Saturday, August 11, 2012

30 Day Shred Challenge- Day 3

I ended up starting tonight's workout a little later than I wanted to. After walking 3.12 miles and then running 3.08 I was a little worn out today.

Isabel and I went to the near by discount book store this afternoon and then went shopping with my mom.

By the time I got home I had to do some picking up so that Patrick would at least think I got something accomplished on my day off. I got a few loads of laundry washed, dried, folded/hung up and put away. There's still quite a few loads of laundry left. It's never ending and I despise it.

Patrick got home from work around 8 tonight. Dinner was still in the oven and was almost ready (I waited to have dinner so that we could eat together) so I put in the DVD and got to work.

Tonight's workout was weird. There were parts that felt more difficult, however the whole workout seemed to go by quickly. I'm feeling stronger during some parts of it (mostly the push ups), but there are other parts that I will always dislike (specifically the side lunge and front arm raise in cycle 3. For some reason I just cannot get it right).

3 days down... 27 to go.

No picture tonight of my HRM due to some technical difficulties. For some reason I would look at my watch every so often and it would say my heart rate was really low when I know it was higher. So I entered the 268 calories it said I burned and called it a day.

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