Q: Where do you want to travel next?
A: I always want to go to Mammoth. If I had my choice to move anywhere it would probably be Mammoth (although I don't know how I would do living in the snow...)
My dad gave the family the option to travel anywhere in the world after he retires (at the end of this month). I'm pretty sure it was his evil plan to give us this choice because we can't decide. My mom doesn't fly, bringing anywhere in the world to anywhere in the United States. We had a cruise to Alaska planned until we realized we needed passports. I can't get Isabel a passport.
Lot's of things holding us back from planning this trip. I'm sure where ever we go is going to be fun and I'm excited to go. Hello! Free trip!
If I had my choice... I'd probably want to go somewhere my family came from. Ireland or Sicily.
Picture of the day 1/13: (Photo fail.. There was a beautiful sunset tonight and my camera was at home. So in order to not fail my photo a day for a year I present Isabel's art.)
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