Sunday, December 9, 2012

WEverb12- Day 9

9: triumph [CREATE]

How were you challenged by a project or goal this year? What did you learn from it?

I was challenged by my goal of running a marathon. I shouldn't really say it was my goal, because it wasn't. I was challenged by Rachel's goal.

When I decided to join her in training for the LA Marathon I don't think I realized just how physically and emotionally draining it would be. It was definitely a challenge to keep myself going on certain long runs and to see the goal through to the finish.

I learned that if you just keep putting one foot in front of the other (literally) then you can make it the whole way. It's that simple... And crossing that finish line is one of my favorite memories and I wouldn't trade all of those hours in those bright blue running shoes, all of those conversations getting to know my sister, all of the sweat and tears for anything.

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