Saturday, December 22, 2012

Currently- Vol. 4

Loving: My job. I kind of feel like Emily Blunt does in The Devil Wears Prada. But, at the end of the day, I'm so thankful to have a job and to be doing something that I love (data entry). It may be stressful and I may get frustrated, but I am so glad to be doing something I enjoy. It may not be my "dream job" but it is something that I could always see myself doing.

"I love my job, I love my job, I love my job."

Reading: Run Like A Girl by Mina Samuels (just started)
 Run Like a Girl: How Strong Women Make Happy Lives

and The Everything Parent's Guide to Raising a Gifted Child by Sarah Herbert Robbins, MEd (Patrick and I are reading this together. I read a chapter then he reads the same chapter so we're both working together. We just finished chapter one).
The Everything Parent's Guide to Raising a Gifted Child: All you need to know to meet your child's emotional, social, and academic needs
Watching: American Dad. Every night on Cartoon Network. It's my 10pm routine. I just cannot get myself to watch the news or any other "adult" program at that time. If I watch the news I can't sleep. If I watch anything else then it usually holds my attention and I don't go to bed until it's over and then I don't get enough sleep. Patrick likes to watch Food Network and then I just get hungry. I do what works..

Anticipating: Christmas. I've been pretty Ba Hum Bug this year, it just doesn't really feel like Christmas for some reason. But I know that Isabel is going to love her gifts and that's what I look forward to every year. Last year was really the first year that she understood what was going on and her reactions were priceless. I think this year is going to be even better.
Planning: A way to make a workout schedule that I will actually stick to in 2013. I would really like to find a program that works for me that incorporates eating well and working out. I'm an all or nothing type of person and I'd really like to find a balance that I can handle.
Working on: Getting out of debt. I really want to be 100% out of debt by the end of 2013. It's going to be difficult at times, but I think if I'm serious about it then it's something I can do. I have to stay strong, learn how to say no and stay out of certain stores (like Marshall's and Target). I've already given my credit cards to Patrick for safe keeping. The less temptation I have the better chance I'll have of reaching this goal.
Wishing: That I hadn't gone so far off track with my eating and exercising after the wedding. I don't know what happened, but I lost all self control and all motivation that I did have. I wouldn't say that I was really too motivated to begin with, but I was at least watching what I was eating and actually exercising in one way or another. As of right now there has been no progress in doing anything healthy and no real sign of it happening soon. Maybe New Years...

1 comment:

  1. Darn, I left you a couple of comments and the next day I couldn't find them. I hope you got to see them before they vanished. Love you.
