Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weigh In 4/27/13


Today's weight was a step in the right direction!

After the 5.2 gain last week I knew that all I needed to do to see a loss this week was to track my food. It's such a simple tool that is usually the first to go when you get lazy.

So I tracked and mid week I peeked at the scale and was pleasantly surprised to see a much lower number than what I weighed last Saturday. I unfortunately used that as an excuse to not track dinner Wednesday night. Which rolled into Thursday, which rolled into Friday..


Okay, so it's not a habit yet, and that's okay! It's not the end of the world to go a little overboard a couple days. Yes, I'm aware that it doesn't benefit my weight loss to do it that often, but it's also not going to keep me from trying next week if I have a margarita or cheez-it's.

I weighed in at 176.8, bringing me down 1.8 for the week and down 1.4 total. Can't complain.

Back on track today and the plan is to add in some exercise this week, including walking, crunches, squats and lunges. Nothing too extreme, just a few of each every day. I'm going to continue to build on it until I am released by my doctor to do more.

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